Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger Woods

Wow..I just had to blog on this. I became a fan of golf both watching and playing after watching him win the 1997 Masters. I had never played or watched golf before. Since then I have become a golf nut. The statistics show that alot of ppl cheat...and yes, Tiger is human...however..
I think the reason this is such big news and has been trending all day on Twitter is because somehow I think everyone thought he was smarter than that. I mean how could anyone think they would ever get away with it? Someone of his stature and the image he portrays, you would think he would be smart enough to know there would be no way that a women is gonna keep her mouth shut forever....I mean he had to know one day it would come out...and the women would cash in.....I mean if it were almost any other famous person it wouldnt be all that shocking, and therefore would not get that high a price. But someone who's image has been so squeaky clean, and managed to keep himself & family out of the media while off the course for all these years, he had to know that this information would garner a huge payoff. Especially on a waitress's salary. I mean its the stupidity that dumbfounds me the most. I am still a fan of his golf game...but....I have lost total respect for him. I know I am jumping the gun on this...but for anyone who hasnt already heard...US weekly has the full story with all the dirt coming in tomorrows issue. A waitress named Jaimee says she had been having an affair with Tiger for 2 and a half yrs. wow..she has photo's, 300 text messages, and a voice mail from Nov 24th (i think it was 24th, or close to it) which has tiger saying he thinks his wife is onto them and knows about the affair....Hey if your unhappy in your marraige then leave..I know there are always 2 sides..but, unless something comes out on Elin, he stepped out for a long period of time..he and Elin have a 9 month old boy. I mean omg..i feel so badly for Elin..nobody deserves to have something like this happen to them so publicly...Tiger should have manned up if he was unhappy and left back 2 and half yrs ago. That I could respect. Anyhoo, I guess I am done ranting now...and I'm sure Tiger Woods will be trending on Twitter again tomorrow for sure...and btw...I don't think any more of this Jaimee either...I mean she is with Tiger for 2 and half yrs speaking to him up to last week at least..and omg she sells him out that fast...they were not even onto her...they were going after another women who turns out not to be having any kind of a relationship with would think Jaimee would be saying WHEWWWW!!!!!thinking great...dodged that bullit..and now that that story turned out to be false, the media will actually likely feel bad for Tiger....but no.....instead she must have been seething...thinking I dont know....that women is getting all this attention..and its not her its me he is bad that she contacted US weekly to sell her low as Tiger is right now...this chick is even lower...but...hey..yet another wake up call for those who cheat..especially if your will get caught...smarten up for goodness sake...ok i'm done...night...hugz..



Unknown said...

wow i cant boleve tiger would di this -_-' and even after like patickly growing up knowing him id never thot he would do this
:/ thats realy shocking news
good rant and thx for shareing
